When you are preparing for a hike or an adventurous trip, there are some outdoor essentials that are recommended as a part of your gear. So, prepare your checklist of requirements based on the number of days and the type of environment you’ll be living in.
Listed below are a few travel essentials that will bring you not only the comfort but will also make the trip more adventurous, safer and memorable. Make sure that you are not carrying unnecessary items that will add to the weight. Neither should you be avoiding the gear that is must-have, like:
1) Inescapable Essentials
Before setting out on an adventure trip, make sure you have a good waterproof backpack, waterproof and breathable jackets, dry-fit shorts or hybrid pants and a good pair of hiking shoes. It’s also a good idea to carry a few pairs of your gym apparel.
- The backpack should be of an ideal capacity to hold your camping gear. The exterior of the backpack should have suspensions like carabiners to make room for some overloading later in your trip.
- Well-structured sleeping bag specially designed for hiking is great for outdoor sleep. They are handy in the summer as well as in the winter season offering a home-like comfort.
- Some cooking equipment such as a lightweight camp stove with BTU burners, and some cooking utensils, adds comfort to the trip.
- Always carry lights, such as headlamps, flashlight, portable lanterns, inflatable solar-powered light along with some candles and matchsticks. Lights can help you find your path when required whether you are on a motorcycle, in a car or on feet during your adventure spree. Don’t forget to carry some extra batteries.
- It’s imperative that you check your vehicle’s condition before planning a road trip. Engine status, engine oil, tire jack, important papers of the vehicle, driving license, tools pouch, spare tire, etc. are essential for hassle-free traveling.
2) Safety kit, First-Aid Box and Weather Protection Utilities
It’s always better to take precautions rather than seek a cure later. Always follow this rule before unleashing the adventurer in you. Carry a first-aid box along with you that has all the necessary items in it like bandages, antiseptic cream, band-aids, pain killers, antibiotics, etc.
On a motorbike trip, motorcycle accessories should be well complimented with different sun protection utilities, rain gear, sanitizer, toiletry bags, insect repellents, umbrella, laundry bag, electronic battery pack, etc.
A good pair of sunglasses not only add style to your look but also keeps your eyes protected from the UV rays of the sun.
3) Food For Hungry Stomachs
No adventure is complete without having healthy and scrumptious food. It’s even better if the food is freshly made at your campsite. So, carrying ample foodstuff with you is imperative if you are on a long road trip or out camping in the wild. Scrunching stomach would never let you enjoy the beautiful surroundings.
Carry some handy foods like snacks, cereal bars, munches and chips, fruits, sliced bread, juice boxes, digestive biscuits, chocolates and other ready to eat food. Also, make sure that you have enough food for your accompanying partners as well, be it, family or friends. It’s a good idea to carry hydrated and light foodstuff with a long shelf life.
At times you might have a temptation to gorge on street food at the places where you visit. We agree that it’s the best way to experience the local culture of the place. But this tempting street food could be injurious to health. You certainly don’t want to end up with a bad tummy in the middle of your hike or adventure. So it’s best to keep to freshly cooked food either at your campsite or at a place that is reliable and hygienic.
People with a weak immune system should avoid unpasteurized dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cream, and cheese while traveling.
Lastly, we can never underestimate the importance of clean drinking water. It is a necessity and finding clean and safe drinking water from reliable sources is not always possible. So it’s advisable to carry water to your maximum capacity if you are planning to camp at offbeat locations. Moreover, nowadays you can find many good portable water purifiers on the market. It would be a smart move to invest in one. Other then water purifiers you may also use iodine-based drinking water tablets to disinfect the water chemically.
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4) Club Adventure With Entertainment
No adventure is complete without clicking some beautiful pictures, be it of sceneries or beautiful local people. So, you must not forget to carry your DSLR along with its accessories with you, to capture the memorable moments on your trip.
Carrying some items for entertainment is also a good idea. Though we sincerely hope that there isn’t a single dull moment on your trip, but at times some boring moments are simply unavoidable. So carrying some interesting board games along with you won’t hurt. Moreover, it’s not just about the boring moments. At times all one wants to do is relax and chill at the campsite. At such times, games like cards, board games or word games can keep you entertained. You can also carry your favorite songs on your iPod, tablet or phone. However, make sure that you do not listen to music on high volume as it might disturb or harm the wildlife around.
Avid readers can carry unfinished books to utilize traveling time reading.
For people who love to paint there’s no place better to paint a beautiful picture than in the laps of nature. So, make sure you carry items like canvas, colors and paintbrushes while traveling by car.
5) Map And Compass
An adventure many times leads to un-trampled paths. To avoid any chances of mishaps or inconvenience due to the unknown terrains, always carry a map and compass along. In the era of technological advancements, GPRS comes inbuilt in your handsets and smartwatches. GPRS would help you identify the precise location of where you are and the shortest route to your destination when you are exploring an unknown region. But when the satellite signals are weak or inaccessible, a physical map and a compass can really come handy.
6) Ideal Sized Tent For The Night
Choosing a good and easy- to- pitch tent is an essential part of camping. While choosing tents, things like location, weather and the capacity should be kept in mind. Usually, tents are of two kinds – three season and four season tents. Three seasons tents are suitable for warm or pleasant weather, while the four-season tents are fit for mountaineering or cold weather.
So, if you are planning to camp in fair weather then a simple dome-shaped tent with a three-season rating would be perfect for you. These tents are airy and have excellent ventilation.
Furthermore, it’s a good idea to get a bigger tent then the required capacity. For instance, if you are traveling with four friends then instead of a tent with a capacity of 5, we suggest you go for a tent with a capacity of 6-8. That way you’ll have ample space to keep your gear and spread out comfortably.
Alternatively, you can also carry smaller tents for single occupancy.
If it gets too complicated for you, take help of the manufacturer. He should be able to guide you in selecting a suitable tent based on your requirements.
Final Words
An adventurous trip is incomplete and uncomfortable without essential gear. Packing is not an easy task. The number of days, location, and the weather decide the gear to carry. Few things such as multipurpose shoes, toiletries, headlamp and extra batteries, breathable and lightweight outfits, reusable water bottles, disposable bag and first-aid safety kit, sunglasses, a pair of binoculars, rain gear and necessary electronic gadgets are essential to make an adventure comfortable.
Author Bio: Jessica Smith